I cannot be confident that this bibliography is complete, or completely accurate, since Clarke's career represents, for several reasons, a bibliographer's nightmare: he wrote incessantly throughout his life; he regularly produced items for minor or obscure publications that are rarely available in libraries; he constantly provided new introductions or afterwords to republications of books and stories that can easily escape notice; he sometimes republished his works under different titles or in slightly revised or edited forms; and he made little or no effort to keep track of his own activities, so that, for example, it may forever be impossible to provide a comprehensive listing of his television appearances. Even David N. Samuelson's valuable and seemingly comprehensive bibliography, while extremely helpful in compiling this bibliography, contained a number of omissions and errors, and while I have corrected the errors I noticed, others may have gone undetected. Further, Samuelson cannot assist anyone dealing with his post-1980 works, and no other scholar to my knowledge has attempted to compile a comprehensive bibliography of these more recent texts.
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